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I see shattered You see whole I see broken you see beautiful.png

Hey There

Jesus is offering you a different pathway, a pathway that leads you to peace and joy. It will lead you away from fear, anxiety, and pain.

I see shattered You see whole I see broken you see beautiful.png

You are not alone

When we keep our feelings to ourselves we start to carry a burden that we were not meant to carry, and that burden becomes unbearable. Friend, you are so precious to God, and He promises us that He will never leave us or forsake us. The Bible acknowledges that we can't fully  understand  what others feel, and understandably you may have feelings of guilt or shame, you may also feel that no one understands what led you to your pain you may be living with. So while loved ones can offer a measure of comfort they are somewhat limited.  God knows what may have led you to feel that suicide is or was your only way out. He also understands your present feelings. God highly values your life, even when our own hearts condemn us. 

God invites you to tell people what is weighing on your heart, and he wants us to pray. 1 Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." 

If you would like to chat with someone that can help you through this, just click the Let's Chat button. 



I see shattered You see whole I see broken you see beautiful.png



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