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It doesn't matter how you start, it matters how you finish.




For those of you who don’t know me I’m Dilynn. I’m married to Logan. We were both in the youth group here about ten years ago. Growing up I went through a lot living with a single mom. My mom and dad were not together and I didn’t meet him until I was 8 years old. He introduced me to drugs and was always in and out of my life. We had a very rocky relationship. My mom always struggled and we didn’t have what other kids had and as a kid I fell in a really dark place in my life. I turned to drugs, alcohol, girls, and partying! Even though my mom raised us in Church and I knew right from wrong, I wanted to be cool and fit in with everyone else. We grew up paycheck to paycheck. We never knew where our next meal was coming from. We lived in a van for a year and 6 months. I lost all hope and trust in people so I turned to the only thing that helped me forget what I was going through. I got high all the time. I went through major depression and even tried to kill myself several times. I tried many different drugs to see if I could just feel something. I also struggled with psoriasis and weed was the only thing that helped with my joint pain.

I never thought I was good enough. I got picked on a lot in school because I didn’t have nice clothes and because of my skin. That made me act out even more. I never did my work and usually just slept in class. Teachers would tell me all the time that I would never amount to anything. They said I’d be nothing but a bum. But God had other plans!! My mom knew about what the teachers would say to me and told me, Philippians 4:13 everyday, “I can do all things through Christ which strengths me.” Even though I was not saved, that verse helped me a lot.

We moved to NC in 2012 because once again We got evicted. We had no where to go and we ended up moving in with my Aunt. Once we moved here, my first priority was to find somewhere I could get high. My aunt knew what I was doing because she smelled it on me. She told my mom that if we were going to stay here, we had to go to church with her that Sunday. So I was thinking to myself “oh my gosh, I really have to sit and listen to this crap again!” I hated going to church because I knew I wasn’t doing right. We went to church and I ended up talking to some of the youth there. They invited me to youth church down in the building. I already saw one of the girls in there that Sunday and told them I’d come. I was just trying to find a girlfriend at this point. I started going regularly and they made me feel like family. I haven’t felt that in a long time. We went for a couple months and then me and Logan started talking. One night after youth class, I remember feeling so alive and told my mom that I was going to marry that girl and that I really wanted to stay here at Covenant. I was still smoking weed and at first just wanted to go because of Logan but then God started changing me. She wasn’t like the girls I dated before. She was a good girl and at first that was scary to me but she always stood her ground without being judgmental of my past. Me and Logan started dating in October of 2012. I was doing better with my depression, but I was still addicted to smoking weed. I hide it from Logan. After months of dating, She finally found out and was very upset with me. She wanted to break up with me but started praying for me instead. Things got better and even though it was hard, I stopped smoking. Logan ended up inviting me to revival At Trinity. Preacher Ricky was doing 10 foot tall and bulletproof. I ended up giving my heart and life to God! My life was forever changed. Me and Logan got engaged in October 2013. My dad ended up passing away on Christmas Day that same year. That was a very hard time for me because it was unexpected. Even though I didn’t have a good relationship with him and had no respect for him, it was still hard going through that. I never really had someone to look up to but I knew I had a Heavenly Father that loved me!! Me and Logan got married in 2015 and had Silas in 2016! Looking back, I went through a lot of bad things, but I know God sent me to Monroe, NC for a reason. My mom prayed that I would get saved and I think God knew I needed to get around better influences. I’m so thankful God sent us here and got me away from my old friends. I thank God every chance I get for saving my soul from Hell. I never thought I was good enough and still struggle with it sometimes. I actually really struggled with it the past two weeks because I don’t feel like I’m good enough to sit up here and teach. To this day, I still say Philippians 4:13!! It reminds me of where God brought me from. Even though, I have a past, God delivered me from all that sin. Yes I sin daily, but Once I got saved, I stopped doing drugs and I ended up saving myself for marriage. It’s never too late to change. Coming from someone that has done it all, God can deliver you from everything you’ve done. It doesn’t matter how you start, it matters how you finish!

I’m not the best I can be for God, my wife and my kids but I’m better than I used to be! I thank God everyday for them and my job! I was told I’d never pass and never have a diploma but God let me finish high school and blessed me with a great job. I might not have a lot of money but I’m thankful for a good job! Silas actually struggles a lot when it comes to school and sports. He always tells himself he can’t do something even before trying it. Me and Logan always tell him this verse and it helps him so much. Stop letting people tell you that you can’t do something. I have always been bad when it comes to spelling and reading but I never let it stop me. People at work still pick on me to this day for it and the devil tries to get me down. He tells me I’m worthless and stupid but GOD reminds me that I am his. Looking back at my life, I always tried to fill that void I had with drugs, alcohol and girls but I never could until I asked Jesus to come into my life. He is the only thing that will fill that void!

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.”

Philippians 4:10-23 “MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY EVERY NEED” The Apostle had been glad to receive the gifts of his friends, because these evidenced their earnest religious life. It was fruit that increased to their account. On his own part he had learned one of the greatest of lessons-contentment with whatever state he found himself in. This is a secret that can only be acquired by our experience of life in the will of God. When once the soul lives in God and finds its highest ideal in the fulfillment of His will, it becomes absolutely assured that all things which are necessary will be added. All things are possible to those who derive their daily strength from God.

Over the years, I’ve learned that I can’t do anything without him. He is the only way. The devil still tries to tempt me to this day but I always remember what God brought me from and I don’t want to go back. It’s a lot easier to not be tempted when you surround yourself with the right people. Right now, y’all are have each other and the older you get, the harder it becomes. I know school and work has it own temptations as well and you’re not always going to be around good Christian people but God always gives us a way out!

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